Apply multiple conditions to filter your inventory.
There are no artifacts in your inventory, or there are no results for your applied filter(s).
Genshin Impact Artifact Generator is a hobby project of mine, which is the result of me loving Genshin Impact, and having programming knowledge with too much free time on my hands.
Originally it was just a small and low-effort project, where I was playing with the random generator, randomly generating main and sub stats.
For example, believe it or not, this was the state of this app back in December 2020.
Then as I was messing around with it, I thought I would make it a bit more detailed, so I started storing the values of each stat, then started adding pictures to them, and it started becoming kinda usable already, but still was nowhere near the current state.
Then I realized there is no such thing as artifact generator out there yet, even though we have/had multiple wish simulator, damage calculator, farming calculator etc.
So I decided to give it a shot, and make that mess you see above into something usable, and what you see now is the result of the sometimes hard, sometimes not-so-hard work of months.